Climate Change - Part 2
Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou
The rapid changes in the global climate system, humanity’s adaptation to extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and climate justice were some of the issues that the audience raised during the 46th SNF Dialogues discussion, on Climate Change.
On Wednesday, 29 September, 2021, at the iconic building of the Academy of Athens - Greece’s first research institution - scientists and members of the community took part in an open, public dialogue. Setting the backdrop for this discussion were the extreme weather events of this past summer and the publication of the Sixth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which confirms, beyond any doubt, that global warming is caused by human activity.
The strategies we have at our disposal to respond to the threat, the significance of individual responsibility, the just transition to a climate-neutral Europe, and what our lives will look like in 50 years were among the topics members of the audience discussed with the expert panel of scientists who participated in the event.
Human beings may be small compared to nature, but they are big enough to disrupt it.

Prodromos Zanis, Professor of Meteorology and Climatology at the School of Geology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
“During the 1980s, we had one heatwave that lasted at least eight days. The next decade, we had two. The very next decade, three and, during the last decade, four. In the last 40 years, we have seen an increase in such events, which we expect to continue in the coming years,” said Prodromos Zanis, Professor in the Department of Meteorology and Climatology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Geology, adding that “warming and desertification are two phenomena that will affect us for decades to come.”
Prodromos Zanis
Prodromos Zanis

The cost of climate change to our country could reach and exceed €700 billion, twice as much as our national debt. If we adapt, the cost will be halved.
Christos Zerefos
"Adapting means saving resources, conserving energy. Our country is rich in renewable energy sources. Adapting involves a series of steps that will lead to profit satisfaction, because the new energy sources and the new cities that will necessarily be created will be less polluting, more livable, and the flow of traffic will be easier," said Christos Zerefos.
Christos Zerefos
Recalling severe flooding on the Greek island of Evia in 2020, Niki Evelpidou, Professor at the Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, commented, “What we witnessed in Evia in 2020, will multiply by many times if there is extreme rainfall in Athens, as we had in 2020. Essentially, we must hope for a pattern of light rainfall. If there is extreme rainfall, then we will have floods. We will lose the soil; all will become muddy. There will be landslides and flooding, and all the areas that are below sea level will be destroyed.” In response to a question from the audience about individual responsibility and possible solutions, Evelpidou said:
Niki Evelpidou
Niki Evelpidou on heavy rainfall in burnt areas
In a pre-recorded interview streamed during the live discussion, Antarctic Programme Leader at the Norwegian Polar Institute, Birgit Njåstad, referred to the three areas of change in Antarctica of which we should be vigilant. “The Antarctic is quite key in driving the global climate system. So any small changes in the ocean or the atmosphere, or a combination of that in the Antarctic can have rippling effects into the full climate system of the world where we live. Secondly, of course, there is a lot of ice in the Antarctic as we know, and if that ice, or some of that ice, melts we will have sea level change and we know that is happening and is happening faster…. The third is the ecosystems or the marine systems around Antarctica, which are also slowly changing due to these changes in the physical surroundings. The biological system of the marine environment around Antarctica also has influence on the full global marine system and the ecosystem services of the oceans and our world.”
Senior Advocate at the NRDC Climate and Clean Energy Program, Sasha Stashwick, touched on the implications for industry and the elimination of carbon emissions, which scientists say must be halved by 2030, in an interview she gave to the SNF Dialogues. “We don’t hit our North Star climate goals unless we have a plan and policies in place for decarbonizing industries like cement and steel. Critically, the path to zero emissions for these sectors is not through obsolescence or replacement the way that we think about fossil fuel refining, for example. The path to zero is through innovation. And we have to ensure that we have policies on the books today that incentivize investment today, to deploy the advanced technologies that we know we are going to need in 2040 and 2050 to deeply decarbonize these sectors.”
The Dialogues discussion, a follow-up to the January 2020 event on the impacts of climate change, focused on the need for human adaptation to increasingly extreme weather events. Upcoming Dialogues installments are expected to focus on this issue again.
Learn about tools that allow us to monitor the impact of climate change and the occurrence of extreme weather events:
The SNF Dialogues are curated and moderated by Anna-Kynthia Bousdoukou and are held through the journalism non-profit organization iMEdD (incubator for Media Education and Development).
*The opinions expressed by Dialogues participants, whether officially representing institutions and organizations or themselves alone, at events, in articles, or in other audiovisual media are solely their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) or iMEdD. Speakers’ remarks are made freely, without prior guidance or intervention from the team.