Curated & Moderated by:
Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou
Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou

Samira Rajabi
Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Colorado
Samira Rajabi, Ph.D., is currently an Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Colorado. Samira is also a freelance culture writer and qualitative research consultant specializing in research design. Previously she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Pennsylvania. She recently completed a book titled, "All of my friends live in my computer: Tactical Media, Trauma and Meaning Making". Samira completed her doctoral degree in Media Research and Practice at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where her research focused on digital media's affordances in meaning-making processes.
The attention economy at its most basic is this restructuring of ways of creating profit that uses us and our free labor as a commodity. We become the commodity. So the more time we spend on these applications, the more they make a profit. And so it’s all about keeping us in the application.