Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou

Kostas Leivadas
Kostas Leivadas is a versatile musical personality, responsible for the composition of some of the most sung and beloved songs of recent years. Who hasn’t hummed “Για να σε συναντήσω”? Who hasn’t danced to “Σαν να μην πέρασε μια μέρα” (which was created along with Giorgos Dimitriadis)? Who has not been moved by “Eγώ σ' αγάπησα εδώ” or by “Η Επιμονή σου”?
He insists on introducing himself as a singer-songwriter, while his musical journey began in his teens, amidst electric sounds and youthful musical experimentation. He became widely popular in 1997 with the album titled “Κάθε μπαλκόνι έχει άλλη θέα”, and especially with the title song and the song "Δειλά" (Καράβι για την Φολέγανδρο).
Kostas Leivadas has already released five very successful albums and a comprehensive poetry anthology titled “Γραμμένο με κόκκινο”, while he has composed more than 200 songs for some of the most important Greek singers and personal heroes of his. During the past ten years, he has composed music for television, cinema and theater, as well as for the Dagipoli Dance Company.