Curated & Moderated by:
Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou
Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou

Costas Meghir
Professor of Economics at Yale University
Costas Meghir (PhD from the University of Manchester) is the “Douglas A. Warner III” Professor of Economics at the University of Yale. He is member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow of the Econometric Society and Fellow of the British Academy. He has been awarded the "Ragnar Frisch" medal by the Econometric Society and the Bodosakis Foundation prize. He is a labor and education economist working on household behavior, taxes, welfare, education and income distribution, as well as on Early Childhood Development among the poor. He is co-editor of "Beyond Austerity: Reforming the Greek Economy" with Chistopher Pissarides, Dimitris Vayanos and Nikolaos Vettas.